Life Still Happens!

August 18, 2013 at 4:44 pm  •  Posted in Learnings, trip planning by

I am sure most of you are dying to know if Cliff and I hit our 8-15-13 goal of packing.  The short answer is “no!” :)

Why?  Because the one thing we didn’t factor into the getting ready calendar/countdown is LIFE!  Whoops!  Forgot to put in the schedule random-life-occurrences-that-will-take-up-chunks-of-time-you-didn’t-anticipate!

The awesome distractions are things like parties and dinners out!  Thank you to Cari and Gina and Jalaane (in absentia) for the amazing party at the Olivian!  It was so fun to see everyone and hang out and enjoy friends, great food, delicious tequila cocktails and the spectacular Seattle skyline.  You guys are the BEST!!

The less than awesome distractions are random additional TODOs.  Things like the windshield getting cracked on Megavan that must now be replaced…..or the dishwasher freaking out at 4 o’clock in the morning and flooding our entire kitchen!?!  Sometimes I feel like the TODO list is getting longer, not shorter, despite my best attempts to check things off!  Someone recently summed it up best….”it is like the bug list for software you are trying to launch….bugs keep getting added but at some point the software is good enough and it is time to LAUNCH!”  I love the analogy!  It is so true!

I am happy to report that the dishwasher is FIXED!  I called two different repair companies and neither of them were authorized to fix Miele dishwashers….why did we buy this ridiculous thing?  Frustrated, I went to YouTube and typed “Miele Dishwasher” into the search box as well as the code for the flooding error flashing on the display.  A video came up showing how to repair it myself!  I followed the video and VOILA!  30 minutes later, the dishwasher was working and I just saved myself $200!  Wahoooo!  YouTube rocks!

Life is full of surprises and those surprises are what keeps it interesting so I will take the distractions over being on schedule any day :) Bring it on!

View from the rooftop deck of the Olivian in downtown Seattle

View from the rooftop deck of the Olivian in downtown Seattle

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  1. Cari Johnson / August 18, 2013 at 10:09 pm /

    We’re so happy to kick you off on your inspiration journey. We made 4.62 in the silent auction. Gina bought your pink pen. Now we can afford the hat to go with Cliff’s orange zoot suit.

  2. Maggie Tate / August 19, 2013 at 1:18 am /

    I can’t believe you fixed the dishwasher! That’s awesome!

    • Lisa / August 20, 2013 at 6:15 am /

      Thanks Maggie! I was pretty psyched too! Now let’s see how long it works before I declare victory :)

  3. Kate / August 23, 2013 at 12:50 pm /

    I’m with Maggie, YOU rock for fixing the dishwasher!

    • Lisa / August 24, 2013 at 1:24 am /

      Kate, you were my inspiration! My mom told me that you uninstalled your own garbage disposal so I figured I could fix the dishwasher!

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