Maasai Dancing

February 2, 2014 at 3:42 am  •  Posted in Connecting, Learnings, Tanzania by

Maasai  dancing  is fun  to do. They  jump  super  high.   They  do  a  weroid noise  when  they are singing.  Nayay is a reaLLy  high jumper.

Parent’s Note: This is a video of the Maasai Show that Nayay put together for us with his friends.  Thank you Nayay!  Gotta love the random town guy that tries to get in on the action and gets “binged out” by the Maasai.  Also, kudos to Marqus for trying the jumping too!  Marqus, you really are a BIG DEAL :)


  1. Cari Johnson / February 2, 2014 at 9:18 am /

    How wonderful!

  2. Gina Peckman / February 2, 2014 at 9:57 am /

    I want to jump like Nayay! What a cool video…I am going to practice this jump as soon as I can walk!

  3. Maggie Tate / February 2, 2014 at 1:09 pm /

    Goodness it looks they must have springs for feet! Amazing!

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