Daily Life in Oia!

October 3, 2013 at 11:53 pm  •  Posted in Greece by

12 days have flown by and only 48 hours left in Oia!  Each day is marked by an incredible sunrise only to be upstaged by a more breath-taking sunset.  Cliff and I upload our digital pics each night to the computer and realized we are averaging 500-600 pictures PER DAY!  We will need to do some serious editing in Athens :)

After motivating ourselves to get up for the first sunrise, we made a pact that we would get up for sunrise everyday!  It is so peaceful and the light is beautiful.  Oia, Santorini is always at the top of the list for any line-up of World’s Best Sunset Spots.  This means that the sunsets are spectacular but also PACKED with hundreds of tourists just like us.  The crowds drive some people nuts because they can definitely wreck the “zen” of sunset.  But nobody is out for sunrise, so most days we are standing at one of the most incredible sunrise spots with only 2-3 other folks….painters, professional photographers and brides! (more on this topic later!)

Sunise from the northern tip of Oia!

Sunise from the northern tip of Oia!

Only a subset of the kids motivates each day for sunrise but each kid has experienced at least 1 or two.  After the sun is up, we hit our favorite cafe for hot chocolate and cappuccino :)

Yve enduring the chill before the sun is up!

Yve enduring the chill before the sun is up!

Tuck and Broccoli enjoying sunrise together!

Tuck and Broccoli enjoying sunrise together!

Otto this morning at sunrise with Cliff

Otto this morning at sunrise with Cliff

Wescott setting up with GoPro for sunrise overlooking the entire town and caldera

Wescott setting up with GoPro for sunrise overlooking the entire town and caldera


Jones in our favorite cafe enjoying hot chocolate!

Jones in our favorite cafe enjoying hot chocolate!

Our cave house is AWESOME so it is hard to motivate to leave during the day but, similar to Florence, we try to see one new thing each day.  If Florence = Art History then Santorini = Archeology so there are many cool geological and archeological sites to visit.  There are also some incredible beaches and wineries too :)

Panoramic of the cave house

Panoramic of the cave house

We eat breakfast at home after sunrise. Yogurt, honey, fruit, muesli and fresh bread from the bakery.  The bakery here is second to none but it is also super competitive so you need to get there EARLY!  By 9 am, all the best loaves have been put on “hold” by the restaurants and local folks.

We eat lunch or dinner out and eat the other meal back at our cave house.  Most meals include a greek salad!  Dinner is always late because we have to watch sunset first :)  Laundry is, again, by hand but it is hard to complain since the backdrop for hanging out the clothes to dry is the largest and most beautiful caldera in the world! Every day ends with an obligatory glass of ouzo…..I LOVE OUZO!!!

Santorini Ouzo....AWESOME!

Santorini Ouzo….AWESOME!

The kids and Cliff agree that two weeks is not enough in Santorini!  We are just now getting into a groove and we have to start packing.  But next is Athens and then off to Crete so it is hard to be sad.  I feel confident that over the course of these two weeks, I have accomplished my goal of infusing a love for Oia into all of the kids so they will return with or without me in the future to soak in the beauty again :)


P.S.  I forgot to mention that a BIG PART of the routine here has been the Insanity Workout.  Driven daily by Wescott, Yve, Otto and Cliff the Insanity Workout is tackled….we couldn’t do this in Florence for fear of retaliation by the cranky neighbor :)

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  1. Gina Peckman / October 6, 2013 at 7:42 am /

    Lisa, Sunday morning in Seattle, sunrise and your blog! You have infused a love of Oia
    in me through your blog. Thank you! I hope to pop on a plane soon and Oia will be my first stop!

    • Lisa / October 6, 2013 at 7:48 am /

      Hi Gina! I hope you do go to Oia!!! Go in Sept!!! It is the BEST! Crowds have died down from the summer but it is still warm and beautiful. We can tell you all the best hotspots :) xoxo

      • Cari Johnson / October 6, 2013 at 8:39 am /

        Lisa, we are all on what is a modern day phone tree race to see the next blog post. Gina beat me today. LOVE Greece now and never wanted to go before. Big hugs from Seattle.

  2. Stephanie Craig (@steffinseattle) / October 7, 2013 at 4:19 pm /

    SWEET cave house! Love the sunrise promise, so romantic. XOXO

  3. Deborah Jones / October 9, 2013 at 8:08 pm /

    Please reserve the Cave Pad for a big party and we will bring the Ouzo! Oia is one of our very favorite places on earth! Miss you guys!

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